Monday, July 31, 2006

Looks like Mel Gibson's real personality has come out. And the survey says: Anti-Semite.

Not as if this wasn't suspected before, what with the arguably anti-Jewish scenes in his film The Passion, as well as his refusal to denounce his father's bizarre Jewish conspiracy theories. But now "Mad Max" has drunkenly laid the truth bare - he just doesn't like Jews.

Gibson has since apologized for his remarks, calling them despicable and not representative of his true beliefs. He has also entered a rehab facility. But while I'd certainly like to think his apology was heartfelt, the accumulated evidence suggests he's just trying to save face. Millions of other people get plenty drunk, but they don't start spouting lines about Jews controlling the world. Furthermore, he never even specifically mentioned Jews in his apology.

So what to do about it? Just as Gibson is entitled to his views, we're all entitled to ours. And in my opinion (something I probably share with countless others), he has completely lost my fandom. Until he demonstrates genuine change (and we should certainly forgive him if he does), I'm quite happy to shun his celebrity and ignore his films. (Not that he's starred in anything I've liked recently, but still.)

Of course, the good thing is that perhaps Gibson will overcome his biases. He has completely embarassed himself, and such incidents often act as catalysts for people to learn their lessons. Indeed, even at its very worst, his anti-Semitism is nothing compared to that of hardcore Jew-haters like Ahmadinejad. Mel Gibson is small fry. Iran's leadership is evil and must be stopped.

The terrorist Mullahcracy, then, along with worldwide jihadism, should still be the primary target of efforts to fight anti-Semitism. Not that I'm defending Gibson; his comments were indeed sick and disgusting, and he should be held fully accountable. But if a drunken rant is the extent of his bigotry, I wouldn't write off his chances for repentance and change.

Israel, meanwhile, faces an existential threat from an evil foe determined to destroy it. Everyday prejudice such as Gibson's should always be countered, but let's not lose sight of the more overarching goal - throwing a murderous enemy off of our backs. That's something with which, of all people, the star of Braveheart and The Patriot should truly sympathize. If Gibson wants to stay honest to his greatest films' principles, he should love and admire the Jewish people.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Jihad Terrorism: Against Israel *and* America

Far too many people still haven't grasped the connection between the Hezbollahamasyriairanistan war on Israel and America's fight against terrorism. Israel's fight, they say, is a regional territorial conflict that has nothing to do with Islam and can be resolved through negotiations. Al Qaeda and the 9/11 hijackers, according to the party line, are a completely different entity that simply wants the U.S. out of the Middle East.

This school of thought has been wrong for a long time, but nevertheless, many Americans have continued to cling to it. But as of today, the myth has been shattered.

For today, a Muslim Pakistani, claiming to be angry about Israel, pulled a gun and started shooting workers at a Seattle Jewish Federation building. The gunman killed one person and injured five before being captured into police custody.

That's right - a terrorist doesn't like Israel so he chooses a Jewish target and indiscriminately aims to murder Americans. Need any more proof that Israel and America are fighting the same enemy? Didn't think so.

The United States, as well as all nations, should never tolerate this outrageous act of terrorism. This shooting was no ordinary crime, but a well planned jihadist attack tied specifically to a hatred of Israel, Jews, and America. All Americans must recognize the gunman's motive, and the government must specifically act to ensure that such terrorism never occurs again - directly by treating the shooting as a terrorist hate crime, and broadly by continuing the fight against jihadism until we win it.

Meanwhile, we should all mourn for the victim, a mother of two, and hope and pray that the wounded heal speedily and completely.

The last vestiges of the illusion have been shattered; Israel and America fight the same jihadist enemy, and must utterly and completely defeat it. Teaming up for that purpose would benefit not only our two countries, but the entire world.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

UN and Media Silent on War: Ethiopia and Somalia

Two weeks ago, a sovereign country decided to fight back against Islamic terrorists firing weapons at it from a neighboring nation. The terrorists completely instigated the war, but the sovereign country rightfully feels that it must respond as a matter of self defense. The battle has been difficult, and innocent civilians have been killed on both sides, but the sovereign country cannot allow its people to be continually attacked by terrorists. And so the war rages on, with the sovereign country aiming to defeat the terrorists and protect its people.

Anyone know which country I'm talking about? Here's a hint - it's not Israel.

The answer, rather, is Ethiopia. That's right, another nation is involved in a highly similar war to the Israel-Hezbollah conflict. Jihadist terrorists who took over parts of Somalia have massed at the Ethiopian border and fired weapons into Ethiopian territory. In response, Ethiopia has sent its army into Somalia to crush the attackers.

Did you know all of this? I sure didn't until I read this article by WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah discussing the conflict and its likeness to that in the Middle East.

But why hasn't the Ethiopia-Somalia conflict been publicized? The Israel-Hezbollah war has remained the centerpiece of every mainstream media outlet for weeks, but practically nothing has been written about the almost parallel clash in the Horn of Africa.

According to Farah, the media and "international community" just don't care about Ethiopia, because it isn't a conflict they can blame on Jews, Zionists, and America. Therefore, they simply ignore it altogether.

At first glance, this conclusion seems almost too far-fetched to be true, but you know what - I think Farah has hit the nail upon the head. The Ethiopian situation seems almost tailor-made for international sympathy (war in Africa, civilians under attack, humanitarian concerns), but the UN and the leftwing-led media have barely even mentioned the conflict let alone attempted to resolve it. Clearly, it appears that they genuinely don't care.

But regardless of world opinion, the conflict rages on, and we must fully support Ethiopia in its efforts. Israel, Ethiopia, the United States, and many other nations are all fighting the same war against Islamic jihadism, and the sooner we all unite, the more quickly victory will be achieved. It's time the mainstream media joins the team as well.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

It's More Than Just Israel: Iran's Threat To America

Given the current conflict between Israel and Iran-supported Hezbollah, along with Iran's Ahmadinejad openly wishing to destroy Israel, many Americans likely believe that Iran's key grievance remains the Jewish state.

But while the Mullahs' threat to Israel is very real, it would be highly erroneous to assume Iran has limited its ambitions to the Middle East. Indeed, from firsthand reports from Americans who traveled to Iran, its primary target is none other than the United States. Iran has long declared this - they call America the "Great Satan" and Israel only the "Little Satan" - but largely it has been dismissed as mere rhetoric.

Plenty of evidence has arisen, however, that Iran takes these words very seriously. Ahmadinejad has supported Iraqi terrorist insurgents against American troops, and has taunted Americans at home both economically and militarily.

Furthermore, in an additional escalation, (as hinted in the previous post) Iran's government has been actively propagandizing its people against the U.S. Recently at a private Israel-support event, I met several archaeologists who had just returned from Iran on a search for the current whereabouts of Noah's Ark. This group had traveled through several Iranian cities, and were able to glimpse a much more authentic view of the nation than the typical polished image fed to Western media. And what the group saw was this: pure unadulterated government hate for America.

All over town centers, official signs and billboards proclaimed "Death to America" and similar slogans. The archaeologists saw virtually nothing directed at Israel, but plenty of large anti-U.S. images such as the Statue of Liberty with a skull for its face. Almost everywhere, the government seemed to blame America, President Bush, and Western freedom/capitalism for the ills of the world.

Most Americans know very little about the extent of this hatred, but it is the absolute genuine face of the Iranian leadership. Ahmadinejad is not simply a nut and his anti-American rhetoric no mere hyperbole. This man and his government seriously intend to defeat the United States, and they clearly believe they can do so.

To stop him, America must absolutely take Iran's intentions at face value and respond accordingly. This means one thing: Under no circumstances can we allow them to develop nuclear weapons. Unlike the Cold War-era Soviet Union (and even North Korea today), Iran likely will hardly hesitate to use them. This cannot whatsoever be permitted to occur.

No more dillydallying. No more accepting Iran's own timetable. Now is the time to act. Iran must be stopped.

I can't wait to see one of these in Ahmadinejad's front yard:

(photo of American flag missing)

(Yep, it's a 6.65-acre floral flag. Photo credit: Bill Morson and Hat Tip: Rabbi Shea Hecht)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Dennis Prager on the Middle East Conflict's Root Cause

Want to know the root of the Middle East conflict? Dennis Prager explains:

"The Arab and other Muslim enemies of Israel (for the easily confused, this does not mean every Arab or every Muslim) want Israel destroyed. That is why there is a Middle East conflict. Everything else is commentary."

As downbeat as this reality may sound, the truth doesn't get much more direct. The Arab-Muslim world never accepted Israel from the beginning, and largely continues to oppose its existence. That, and only that, is the primary the reason for the conflict. In the current war, hence, Israel has no choice but to overcome its enemies' position.

Unfortunately I only have time now for this brief post, but coming very soon, I'd like to elaborate on it further, particularly on what it means for America and the threat from Iran. I recently met some Americans who returned from a visit to Iran (I was astounded that they went, but they had a good reason, which I'll also touch upon), and they noticed many revealing aspects of the nation almost wholly unreported by the international mainstream media. In the meantime, feel welcome to check our Jerusalem Post ticker at left for continuous real-time updates, and hope you enjoy our site.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Prime Minister Olmert Declares His Leadership

Wow. I'll have to admit, I certainly didn't see this one coming. But it's been a phenomenal turn for the better from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Just weeks after pledging to withdraw from most of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and days after appearing wobbly in his resolve against Israel's enemies, Olmert has finally changed course to a far tougher direction. Enough is enough, he has declared, Israel must eliminate Hezbollah and Hamas.

Way to go Mr. Prime Minister! Israel has long desired and offered peace, but these terror groups have never accepted it and have always aimed to destroy the Jewish state. For years, Israel wishfully ignored this reality and allowed terrorism to fester. But finally the naivety is no more. As Olmert stated,

"It is of regional and international interest to control and dismantle the terror organizations and remove this threat from the Middle East. We intend to do so....We will attack every terrorist staging area, destroy every terrorist base and liquidate members of the terror groups. Israel will not agree to live in the shadow of the threat of missiles and rockets on its citizens."

Now there's a workable plan. For the first time in his tenure, I'd like to raise many cheers to Israel's Prime Minister! With this type of attitude, Israel is in great shape!

And I'm sure many Israelis also agree with Olmert's firm conclusion:

"I am more proud today than any other day in my life to be a citizen of the State of Israel. We will not surrender and we will not back down."


Friday, July 14, 2006

Weekend News Update

Just reported today, Israel's Air Force has destroyed the home of Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah. While perhaps not quite as satisfying as lighting a Menorah in Saddam Hussein's captured palace, the operation was highly justified and Nasrallah absolutely deserved it. Let's hope this is just the tip of the iceberg in Israel's offensive; Hezbollah needs to learn as firsthand as possible that attacking Israel is always a losing proposition.

Meanwhile, Israel has also discovered that the rockets launched on Haifa were made in Iran. No surprise there, of course; it's been clear that Iran has supported the terrorists from the beginning. But this should also directly signal America that Iran's ambitions include the entire Middle Eastern region, which is yet more evidence of the danger its nuclear program poses to the world.

Israel is also all over the blogosphere:

Columnist Tammy Bruce slams international critics of Israel for their weakness and hypocrisy.

The Pink Flamingo Bar & Grill (that's the name of the blog) explains the Islamic impetus behind Israel's attackers' intentions. I disagree with the post's contention that the jihadists' aims would be different were Israel not a Jewish state -- fundamentalist Muslims hate everyone else, but Jews in particular -- but overall it very astutely analyzes the situation.

Front Page Magazine's David Horowitz tells why the Western world should absolutely support Israel. (Technically this is a regular article and not part of his blog, but it's highly worth reading in all shapes or forms.)

Blogger MadZionist lays down the truth: Disengagement and appeasement have failed, and now it's time to unite and support Israel together.

And briefly, in other news:

Check out Victor Davis Hanson's new piece on President Bush and "Cowboy Diplomacy." As per Dr. Hanson's usual output, this essay is par exellence.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Israel's Mission Must Be To Win

Good news on the technical front - Typepad recovered part of my erased post, and I reconstructed the remainder and posted it all a few moments ago. (I also set it to display the date it was written, July 12.)

Unfortunately, though, that's been only a small personal ray of light in what has become a very difficult day for Israel and the entire free world. Hezbollah rockets have struck Haifa, Tzfat, and many smaller towns and kibbutzes in northern Israel. Several soldiers and two civilians have been killed, with hundreds more wounded. Furthermore, Iran and Syria have all but admitted their roles in sponsoring the terrorists.

Israel has thankfully responded with more force, but I'm still concerned that it's not nearly enough. Recent events (and those not-so-recent) have clearly proved that appeasing terrorism never works and instead only further encourages the perpetrators. But instead of unleashing the full might of the IDF, Israel still seems so concerned with international opinion that it practically fights with one hand tied behind its back.

To this, I say screw the EU, the Arab nations, and the UN. (Pardon my choice of verb, but it's necessary.) They always condemn Israel regardless of circumstances, and Israel should just flat-out ignore them and concentrate on the task at hand.

Israel didn't want this war, but Iran, Syria, and their terrorist proxies have handed it over. These enemies cannot be appeased, only defeated, and Israel must be willing to act on this notion. Failure is not an option.

For more on how we can all help, two excellent resources are the Simon Wiesenthal Center on the political side, and Rabbi Lazer Brody from a more spiritual perspective. (Rabbi Brody, a former IDF commando who lives in the southern Israeli city of Ashdod, has also been providing regular Israel news updates; here is his frontpage link.)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Israel - Time To Forcefully Strike Back

It's time for Israel to quit restraint and strike hard to devastate Hamas and Hezbollah. Both terror organizations have all but declared war on the Jewish State, and quite frankly, enough is enough. Israel clearly prefers peace with its neighbors (as it should), but when you are repeatedly attacked, sometimes you just have no choice. Restraint and appeasement have only emboldened Israel's enemies, and now Israel must respond with appropriate force.

Olmert's government has held back for far too long, even limiting its recent military incursions. But no nation should have to live under a constant cloud of terror, especially one that is so utterly preventable.

Israel has reached a crossroads. No more empty "tough" promises. No more appeasement. No more naively wishful thinking. Hamas and Hezbollah have left Israel with little alternative, and now it's time for action. Defeat these evil terrorists once and for all.

Friday, July 7, 2006

News From The Mexico Election

In news from Mexico, conservative presidential candidate Felipe Calderon narrowly won the presidential election over leftist rival Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Center-left candidate Roberto Madrazo placed a distand third.

This victory is excellent news for both Mexico and the United States. As a center-rightist from current president Vicente Fox's National Action Party, Calderon has pledged to support business and free trade, two primary drivers for lifting Mexico further out of poverty. Calderon also intends to broaden relations with the U.S. and form a stable coalition government. Lopez Obrador, on the other hand, favors heavy government social spending and turning farther away from American relations. He is no Hugo Chavez or Evo Morales, but nevertheless his populist governing approach seems almost straight out of the welfare-state playbook that has failed so many European nations in recent years.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, meanwhile, Lopez Obrador has alleged election fraud and resultingly is threatening street protests. This, despite a recount which once again confirmed Calderon as the victor. Lopez Obrador may be understandably upset, but publicly becoming a sore loser is, in my opinion, a poor way to respond. Al Gore acted similarly in 2000 and his career has yet to recover. Calderon has offered his rival a place in his cabinet; unless Lopez Obrador has a soft spot for politicians-turned-global-warming-advocates, I think he'd be smart to drop the protests and accept it.

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

North Korea's Missile Test and Stopping Kim Jong-Il

Another day, another missile. That's apparently what Kim Jong-Il and the fanatics in North Korea want the rest of the world to fear, having just launched seven Taepodong 2 test missiles into the Sea of Japan.

As such, both East Asia and the United States are on high alert, with the U.N. Security Council (who somehow found time away from their disgustingly continuous Israel-bashing) condemning the launch and America scrambling to activate its missile-defense system.

Given North Korea's confirmed possession of nuclear weapons, this is a clearly a serious issue. But also given the nation's small size and limited non-nuclear offensive capabilities, we must ask ourselves - just what are their intentions? The Communist state's strength is miniscule compared to both the U.S. and its surrounding neighbors (China, Japan, South Korea, Russia), and even a dictator as unstable as Kim likely favors self-preservation enough to avoid tempting bigger powers with a nuclear exchange.

So why the missile launch? Could Kim merely be delusionally overconfident like Iran's President Ahmadinejad? Is he genuinely just bonkers as many have claimed? Perhaps he pines to recapture Communism's glory days of the Soviet Union years? Or does he have something truly sinister in mind, such as an EMP attack over the American heartland?

North Korea's government has hinted at very little, but I believe the answer is actually none of the above. Rather, Kim's regime feels pressured by the capitalistic successes surrounding it (particularly South Korea and Japan), and merely wishes to remain in power via nuclear deterrent. Hence, unlike with Iran (where any nuclear possesion is a grave danger that must not be allowed), the North Korean threat to America (and everyone else) can be minimized if properly managed. But poorly handled, it could become disastrous.

Now I know this conclusion may sound naively optimistic, and certainly it is not ideal. (An exponentially better situation would have been Bill Clinton stopping a pre-nuclear Kim when he had the chance.) But after examining the range of possibilities, I do feel it is likely. First, while Kim clearly rules the state fanatically, he is not insane and indeed appears to quite intelligent and rational. Wikipedia reports, for example, that Kim holds an economics degree, systematically consolidated his hold on power, and controls every major detail of North Korea's government operations. Furthermore, he probably doesn't overconfidently aim to defeat the U.S.; unlike Ahmadinejad, Kim is no Muslim utopian (nor, by most accounts, a religious person at all), and as such would not likely risk his life for a war or nuclear brinksmanship. Finally, as the ruler of a small nation surrounded by larger powers, Kim surely must realize that he has virtually no chance of replicating the Soviet Union's past success.

So what's left as an explanation? Protecting his hold on power. Kim is an international pariah, his state is dirt-poor, and his people despise him. What better way to stay on top than with nuclear weapons? North Korea's missile tests, then, are Kim's attempt to remind the world that he's still in charge.

Knowing this, I believe the conflict can be managed the same way the U.S. deterred the Soviets - via mutually assured destruction. America must give Kim an ultimatum that if he launches (or gives to terrorists) a single nuclear missile, we will bomb him back to the stone age. At the same time, just as with the Soviets, we must pressure Kim with economic incentives to free his people. These strategies together can help stabilize North Korea's offensive capabilities while gradually enticing it towards capitalism and democracy.

The bad news, of course, is that Kim has already developed nukes, which presents an instant inherent risk. For this reason, appealing to the U.N. Security Council is a terribly wrong response. China and Russia regularly support Kim specifically to oppose the U.S., and including them in discussions will only prolong the crisis and perhaps even embolden Kim to pull further stunts.

America has one clear way to solve this standoff: Force North Korea to play by our rules rather than playing by theirs. The sooner we do it, the safer we'll be and the sooner the North Korean people will finally receive their much needed freedom.

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Happy 4th Of July!!

Hope everyone has been enjoying a great 4th of July! It's fantastic to celebrate 230 years of the USA! Got to love a day off work, fireworks, barbecues, and fun!

In addition, I'd like to discuss the holiday's deeper meaning. Often it's all too easy to take for granted our uniquely American freedoms, successes, and opportunities, and each year our nation's birthday happily reminds us of these wonderful privileges. So along with today's celebrations, let's also feel thankful that we live in what our national anthem so excellently defines as the land of the free, and the home of the brave.

Much excellent writing about this day has also surfaced on the Internet, and here are some of the best that I have enjoyed:

Celebrate the Majesty of America

Enjoy Memories of the 4th

Salute the Troops

And to put things into perspective, imagine A World Without America.

I'd also like to relate a personal note by quoting one of my wife's favorite songs. More than anything else, her experiences as an immigrant from a third-world country have shown me just how privileged Americans stand compared to most everyone else on the globe. We really should be ever-more thankful indeed.

G-d Bless the U.S.A.

By Lee Greenwood
© MCA Music

If tomorrow all the things were gone I’d worked for all my life,
And I had to start again with just my children and my wife.
I’d thank my lucky stars to be living here today,
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can’t take that away.

And I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land G-d bless the U.S.A.

From the lakes of Minnesota, to the hills of Tennessee,
across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea,

From Detroit down to Houston and New York to LA,
Well, there’s pride in every American heart,
and it’s time to stand and say:

I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land G-d bless the U.S.A.