Friday, August 12, 2005

Archaeology the Palestinians Don't Want You to See

A big item in the news this past week was the discovery in Israel of what appears to be the Biblical palace of King David. An archaeologist digging in East Jerusalem uncovered the 3000-year old building, along with pottery shards and the government seal of an official mentioned in the book of Jeremiah.

But from the moment the discovery was announced, Palestinian Authority representatives immediately denounced the find as bogus and are desperately trying to downplay its importance. What's the big deal, you might wonder?

The answer is that it scares the PA to death. For years, the official PA party line has been that the Jews have no historical connection to the land of Israel and that they, the Palestinians, are the true indigenous population. According to their beliefs, the Jewish temples never existed and modern day Jews are European colonialists who came to oppress the native Palestinian Arabs and steal their land.

But each archaeological discovery in Israel just keeps on testifying to the historical Jewish presence (and lack of an Arab presence) in the land, and there's nothing the PA can do about this except to deny reality.

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