Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Where Is Everyone?

Did you know that just a few days ago, a Palestinian Muslim mob attacked a Christian village as retaliation for a woman having had an affair with a Christian resident of the village? You probably didn't, because as expected, the mainstream news media barely reported it. But wait, you might be thinking, what about the UN, Amnesty International, the Red Cross, and similar organizations? Surely they must be concerned for the welfare of the victims.

But nope, these leftwing groups (who most certainly would be livid had the attackers and victims been reversed) were nowhere to be found. It is clear that these organizations don't truly care about universal human welfare; they help others only when it benefits their political agendas. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the Palestinian incident and order has been restored. But there is no excuse for these groups' utter silence on the situation. All of these organizations are in serious need of reform, and we can all make a difference by continually pressing the matter until it spurs them to action.

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