Thursday, October 6, 2005

Happy New Year!

Nope, it's not January 1st, but the past couple days were Rosh Hashanah.

Interesting news to start year 5766:

President Bush vows to continue the fight against terrorism, and the Iraqi president agrees.

Jonah Goldberg on the Harriet Miers choice.

Looks like I'm not alone in criticizing the abortion-crime theory in the book Freakonomics. Former U.S. education secretary and current talk radio host Bill Bennett did so as well, and his remarks have been roundly condemned by the Left because he also mentioned the factor of race. But a closer examination of his words reveals that these critics quoted him quite out of context. Certainly Bennett could have conveyed his point in more appropriate terms, but to call him racist over this is wholly inappropriate as well. As unpleasant as it may sound, Bennett's unspoken implication that African-Americans commit crimes at a higher rate than other ethnic groups is nonetheless statistically true. (Whites commit more crimes overall, but blacks have the highest rate per capita.) A better media response, in my opinion, would be an examination of this discrepancy with an effort towards reducing the crime rate for all. Of course, skin color itself has nothing to do with crime (or any other social factor). But given that fatherlessness is the top predictor of criminality and that 70% of black children grow up without a father in the home (a rate far exceeding that of other ethnic groups), parental involvement clearly should be prime fodder for discussion.

Blog of the Day: National Review's The Corner

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