Friday, November 11, 2005

Jordan Bombings Show Jihadists' True Face

For anyone who still believes that radical Muslim terrorists act out only in response to U.S. foreign policy, the suicide bombings in Jordan should give you long and hard second thoughts. These people don't care who they attack - be it Jews, Christians, Hindus, or even their fellow Muslims - as long as they somehow advance their goal of jihadism.

Yes, their megalomania is delusional, but they sincerely believe they can conquer the free world through terrorism. Our actions do not provoke them; it is our mere existence as a successful non-Muslim country that they detest.

In order to win (and win we shall), we must take them completely at face value - no more excuses. Poverty and alienation may contribute to a terrorist-friendly atmosphere, but they by no means cause terrorism itself. Rather, as I have pointed out in the past, radical Islam is the initial motivation, with lack of freedom a contributing factor.

It is no coindence that most of the world's current armed conflicts (Iraq, Israel/Palestinians, Russia/Chechnya, India/Pakistan, Thailand, Sudan, Philippines, Syria/Lebanon, etc.) are fueled by radical Islam, as the jihadists refuse to coexist with anyone else, including (and to some degree especially) moderate Muslims. If the Western world wants to end this aggression, we must act decisively against the radicals and defeat them once and for all.

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