Thursday, January 26, 2006

Palestinian Election Update

Shockingly, it appears Hamas has won the PA elections. Notwithstanding yesterday's post, I certainly didn't expect this to actually occur; as of last night, Fatah seemed to hold a clear lead in exit polls.

But once again, I believe this result helps Israel significantly. Terrorism should not increase, as Hamas already committed as much as it could muster under Fatah rule; indeed, now that Hamas must focus on governing, terrorism could even decline.

Furthermore, Israel now has no illusions over Palestinian desires - Hamas's victory is the most clear indication yet that the Palestinians don't care about the so-called occupation; they want Israel itself. This does not additionally hurt Israel, because the Palestinian leadership has always desired as such; the difference now is that Israel can no longer fool itself and must act accordingly with strength.

In addition, Hamas must now actually govern its people. Some people understandably have expressed alarm that the Palestinians have elected an Islamist party; here, they say, is a clear example of why democratizing the Middle East will not work. But I disagree - most Palestinians likely voted for Hamas simply because it was the only alternative to a corrupt Fatah that failed to improve their lives. And now Hamas too must properly govern (something I believe will not occur), or else it will be shown the door as well.

Hamas's victory has shown the true nature of the Palestinian side. Now Israel must succeed by demonstrating its own true nature as a strong, confident, Jewish nation that refuses to buckle to terror and is determined to exist on its own terms and not on those of any other nation or international group.

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