Thursday, December 8, 2005

In Memoriam - John Lennon

I'd like to thank both WSJ's Opinion Journal and Instapundit for including links to my John Lennon - Republican essay on their sites today.

As glad as I am that this blog has reached a wider audience, though, I want to pause and reflect on the fact that this cannot truly be a celebratory moment, for the essay is interesting only because John Lennon is no longer with us.

John's murder was a terrible loss not only for his millions of fans, but most of all to his family and close friends. As sad as we all feel about his absence, it is surely scant compared to what Yoko, Julian, Sean, et al must be going through.

So on this 25th anniversary of his passing, let's all remember that behind the larger-than-life celebrity, there was also John Lennon the man, and it is tragically sad that he is gone. John - rest in peace.

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