Monday, December 19, 2005

Israel and Steven Spielberg's Munich

Steven Spielberg's upcoming film Munich, about the 1972 Olympic massacre of Israelis by Palestinian terrorists, unfortunately looks like typical leftist pandering to moral equivalency. Apparently, Spielberg and co-writer Tony Kushner (a well-known leftist himself) have portrayed both the Palestinian murderers and the Israeli vengeance squad who hunted them down equally as "bad guys."

Now I haven't seen the film, so I can't speak entirely objectively about it, but one fact is crystal clear - only one of those parties can truly be called "bad guys," and it sure isn't the Israelis. If Spielberg is attempting to show otherwise, then his filmmaking has sunk greatly from the heights he achieved with intellectually honest masterworks like Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan.

Perhaps Spielberg needs a refresher course from one of the best Israel-themed filmmakers out there today.

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