Friday, December 30, 2005

It Was A Very Good Year

If Frank Sinatra was alive today, he might have updated the lyrics to one of his most popular songs to read: " In 2005 / It was a very good year / It was a very good year for the United States / Despite what's on the news / You shouldn't get the blues / We're gonna win not lose / It was a very good year."

My rhyming ability aside, 2005 has been quite a successful year in America. Despite what you hear from the mainstream meda, our economy is rolling, consumer confidence is up, and standards of living have risen to record heights. Meanwhile, we have prevented terrorist attacks on our own soil, while our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have been so phenomenally successful that it's easy to almost take them for granted.

Of course not everything is rosy - no nation is perfect, and the U.S. has continuing issues with illegal immigration, rebuilding New Orleans, energy prices, and Islamofascists who still aim to terrorize us. But unlike the depressing picture we regularly see in the media, 2005 has been quite good to the USA. Ol' Blue Eyes would be proud.

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