Wednesday, December 14, 2005

News and the Middle East

Iraq's historic elections commence tomorrow, and this insightful commentary explores what it means for Iraqis and the Middle East at large.

Former CIA director R. James Woolsey explains the insidious nature of fundamentalist Wahhabi Islam and lays out a clear plan for fighting it. Meanwhile, Paul Sperry of Front Page Magazine discusses the Pentagon's strategy. I don't agree with Sperry's implication that most Muslims are fundmentalists, because clearly most are not. Nevertheless, Sperry's conclusions are entirely correct because radical Muslims hold most political control within the religion and act as though they represent the entire faith. In order to fully defeat them, the U.S. must recognize this and act accordingly.

Here is a very interesting group: Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation. This may not be the first thing that comes to mind among most Jewish people, but go through the site and you'll see exactly why this is an important organization and cause. As the group's founder Don Feder states - just remember that Hitler didn't have a Pope, but he had a Mufti.

Yet another article on why we need to bring back DDT. Contrary to recent popular wisdom, this chemical actually saves lives!

Did you know Ray Charles passionately supported Israel? I certainly didn't until I heard about Blue Star Public Relations. These guys promote Israel with catchy (and, of course, entirely factual) poster and ad campaigns. They also target those who perhaps need to hear the message most - college students, leftwingers, and other assorted liberal types. This company does a wonderful (although sadly, much needed) job, and I encourage anyone to explore their website and poster gallery.

Blog of the Day: Freedom Now

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