Friday, February 3, 2006

Danish Cartoons and Muslim Intolerance

The Muslims who are protesting and threatening violence in response to Danish cartoons of Mohammed are acting at the absolute height of hypocrisy. You never hear a peep from them when Arab presses regularly publish deeply anti-American and anti-Semitic content, but when a Danish newspaper prints a few drawings they dislike, they threaten to kill Westerners all over the world for it. They feel content to trash everyone else at will, but can't accept the slightest offense to themselves.

It is vitally important that the newspapers who printed the cartoons stand up and defend themselves. Free speech is a basic hallmark of Western society and must be protected. Of course these Muslims have the right to feel offended, but threatening violence in response is absolutely unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. We need to say "no" to this attempted suppression of freedom, and lend our full support to these newspapers in the name of basic rights.

A reader also offered an excellent recommendation, to which I give an enthusiastic thumbs-up: Buy Danish products!

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