Sunday, February 12, 2006

Krauthammer, Putin and Hamas, Patriotic Videogames

Russia's increasingly authoritarian president Vladimir Putin has long been known as a leading far right figure. But his latest move to legitimize Hamas by inviting its leaders to Moscow shows a striking parallel to only those on the far left: a willingness to stupidly unite with one's natural enemies purely to oppose America. Just as the left's core principles (abortion, secularism, gay rights, etc.) would be outlawed if Islamists were to actually gain power, Russia's overtures will surely backfire given how such rewarding of terror could motivate the country's own Islamist Chechen rebels to become even more violent. Legitimizing terror never pays, and unless Putin backs down, he will most certainly learn this lesson the hard way.

Meanwhile, Charles Krauthammer has written an excellent column slamming so-called moderates, both Islamic and Western, for condemning the Danish cartoons while continually ignoring the Islamic world's constant barrage of anti-American and anti-Semitic content. I agree entirely. As I mentioned in a recent essay, the West certainly should reach out to *true* Muslim moderates, but those who claim to be moderate while acting as jihadist apologists are nearly as bad as the terrorists themselves.

Anyone else tired of the anti-American Hollywood drivel that passes for entertainment these days? If so, you might enjoy revisiting an old classic: the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System. Even non-videogamers can't help but marvel at a console featuring games where you can take on the Soviets (the not-so-subtly named Rush 'n' Attack); fight against a stand-in for Libya's Col. Gadhafi (Metal Gear); destroy the "ultra-sheik nuclear attack tank" of Higharolla Kockamamie (i.e. Ayatollah Khomeini) (Snake's Revenge); and save Ronald Reagan from a gang of armed thugs (Bad Dudes). The NES may have originated in Japan, but it was proudly pro-American to the core.

Want to know why the West should be secure while the Islamists should not be? Because they're totally dependent on us. An in-depth analysis by Victor Davis Hanson.

Also, wants to give a special thanks to for including our recent essay on moderate Islam in its February 10th blog coverage, and to fellow blogger Madzionist for kindly plugging last week's piece on phony Palestinian demographics on his site.

Madzionist also earns today's Blog of the Day designation; check out his many essential essays and article links on Israel, especially a recent post advocating a Jewish State of Judea in the territories beyond the green line.

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