Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Israel's Home Demolitions in Amona are a Huge Mistake

Israel's government, I hate to say, is making a huge mistake in tearing down Jewish settlement homes in the outpost of Amona.

Sure, the few homes in question may have gone against Israel's previous land promises to the Palestinians, but at this point, so what. It'd be one thing if the Palestinians had actually held up their end of the peace talks, but for crying out loud - they just elected to be led by a terrorist organization devoted to Israel's destruction. Removing your own people for the benefit of a genocidally minded enemy is the height of poor thinking and a waste of precious resources.

According to many observers, a key reason behind the home demolitions is the left-leaning Israeli government's opposition to the more religious settler movement. Other factors likely include Prime Minister Olmert's attempt to score political points with his Kadima party base and with the international community.

But regardless of any seeming justifications, the Israeli government is picking the wrong fight. Whatever their differences in politics and/or religious observance, the settlers are fellow Jews who believe in a strong, secure state of Israel. Instead of opposing them, the government should treat them as its closest friends. Especially in the face of true enemies like Hamas, internal fighting is the last thing Israel needs.

As I predicted before it occurred, Israel's withdrawal from Gaza led not to peace, but to more Palestinian terrorism and violence. On the same token, disengaging from Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) would only bring more of the same. The Jewish residents of those regions are doing Israel a huge favor by living there, and the Jerusalem government should maximally support them.

Particularly in these difficult moments, it is imperative that Israel remains a unified nation. Religious or secular, resident proper or settler, Israeli Jews are one and the same. We should all hope and pray for the speedy recovery of all those who were wounded in the clash over Amona, and we must always support Israel's character as a strong and united Jewish state.

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